你的位置:开云集团「中国」Kaiyun·官方网站 > 旅游 > 就能到达这座离湛江市区最近的小岛——特呈岛-开云集团「中国」Kaiyun·官方网站
发布日期:2024-05-20 05:58    点击次数:166

It takes only 20 minutes by ferry from the seafront pier to reach Techeng Island, the closest island to Zhanjiang. Techeng Island is rich in natural resources and has more than 1,000 acres of mangrove forests under national key protection that are nearly 500 years old. It also boasts nearly 100 banyan trees and the intermittent distribution of tropical scrub, as well as white-sand beaches, red rocks, and other landscapes. In addition, hot springs and the traditional thatched villas here are also very distinctive. To build Zhanjiang’s brand image of International Ocean Art Island, Techeng Island will be renovated and upgraded in terms of ecology, culture, tourism, and agricultural infrastructure. 



文|余胜容 李逸涛

